Friday, February 08, 2008

Life of Pi: Yann Martel

I've read some good books recently and thought I would share for all of you who are in need of something new and exciting to read. I wasn't so sure about Life of Pi, but I read it for our RS book club (which meets in a few weeks so I'm going to save most of my comments for that) and really enjoyed it. A lot of reviews I read said it started out pretty slow, but I never got that impression. Maybe I just skimmed, can't remember. Anyway, the book is about a young man from India, Pi, who immigrates with his family to Canada. The twist is that his father was a zookeeper and they had sold most of their animals to American zoos and were shipping them across the Pacific. A little while out to sea, the ship sinks and Pi survives in a lifeboat with an orangutan, hyena, and a Bengal Tiger. The story is about his survival. I'll just say it was immensely entertaining and something I would never care to experience.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

We love that book too.

Chris and Laura